I think I have figured it out now so I finally have some pictures from the past few days to share. I recently found out that Dave's Great Grandma Duffy reads this and we thought that was so neat. I made this so all of our family could come and see how Kensley is doing and it is always nice to hear that they enjoy it. So Kensley wants to say, HI GREAT GREAT GRANDMA DUFFY!!! We love you and thank you for stopping by ;)
So we finally moved into our townhome last Saturday and Sunday. We are slowly unpacking and getting things together. The first few days were rough. Kensley did not understand where we were and she did not sleep a wink the first night. We brought her to bed with us and she just laid there with her eyes open. I could not leave the room even for a second without her getting very upset. But as the days go on she is getting more and more comfortable with the new place and I think she really likes it!
Dave and I love it. We have so much more living space (maybe not so much storage space as I thought, but we do have the basement now for storage) and we dont feel so cramped. We are very excited to get everything put away and organized! I was getting ready for work the other day and could not find socks! Ill be much happier when everything is in its place!
I realized that we are one week away from Kensley's birthday. Where this year has gone I will never know. We are really excited for the party. I think it is going to be a lot of fun, and even though she will never remember it I know I am going to take so many pictures and video that she wont miss a thing!
I wanted to say that I found out today that my mom, dad and brother will be at Kensley's party. If my brother made it to state for wrestling they were not going to be able to come. Sadly, my brother did not make it to state, but I want him to know that we are blown away by how much he has accomplished as a wrestler. I am nothing but beaming with pride with how well he has done. And even though I am sad that he wont be at state this year I know we are looking forward to him being there on Kensley's big day.
We finally got a picture of Kensley's top tooth! The one to the right is slowly poking through now. So she now has two top teeth and one bottom tooth. Three teeth for her birthday! That is a lot considering she didnt get her first till almost 10 months!
Anyway, I think I have rambled on enough. Here are some pictures of baby girl from the last week or so!
We finally got her tutu! I am planning on her wearing it and her birthday hat I had made for her for her first birthday pictures. She HATES the tutu. She HATES the hat. I am sort of afraid how these pictures will turn out. Please pray we get a few good ones!