Friday, July 30, 2010

Water Park!

Today we were so fortunate to have Dave's family invite and pay for all of us to visit a water park about an hour from our house. We also got super lucky in the fact that today was another beautiful day. Nice and warm but not too hot and no humidity. Mama is a tad burnt tonight though and I was not in the sun very long at all!


This is when they first got in. The water was a little cold ;)


Kensley was really brave and went down this slide several times, but after awhile she started to go up the stairs and then come right back down.



Rowan spent the afternoon passed out in the stroller in the shade. I am sure he will enjoy the water park more next year!


Kensley DID NOT want to get out of the water. She had an absolute blast. Luckily we have tickets to come back another day!



Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Good Day

For the first time in what seems like weeks we had a day that was under 80 degrees and wasn't humid. So nice in fact that we could turn the ac off and open up the windows and enjoy some fresh air. After dinner we got the sidewalk chalk and sat outside for awhile and just soaked up the awesome day.




Seriously, where did my baby go?! When she looks at me with that face I swear she is 2 going on 22. *Sigh*


And Rowan really seemed to enjoy getting out for a bit as well.


We enjoyed a freeze pop.


Rowan went on his very first walk in the stroller.


Big sister helped push him around. Maybe he should get used to that... ;)



Today was just a good day. One that you need after a few nights of little sleep to reassure you that everything is going to be alright. That reminds you just how lucky you are to be alive and have two of the greatest kids on earth. A day that reminds you to stop worrying and just let go. Yes. Today was a good day.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010



That is pretty much all I can say. This month has totally wiped us out. I knew having another baby would be a lot of work, but I definitely didn't prepare myself for how big of a change this was going to be. I had every intention of writing on here more and look, here I am barely updating once a week! The truth is- when I get even a few minutes of time to myself (you know, when both babies are sleeping) the last thing I am doing is surfing the internet or writing on my blog. I AM SLEEPING. ha!


It has truly been a rough month in all honesty. Rowan is eating every two hours and sometimes every half an hour. He is eating up to 6 oz at a time! Is that insane for a 3 week old? I know it is so much more than Kensley ever ate. Also, when he wakes up at night he stays up and wants to be held or entertained. So when he wakes up at 4am he might not go back to sleep till 6 or 7. Since I am the only one home at night right now this has made it really hard on me. During the day I have a two-year old that is demanding a lot of my time and at night I have a 3 week-old who must be cared for. Rowan is not latching on enough so I am pumping every few hours to keep my milk supply up, so sometimes even when I finally get him to sleep I have to stay up and pump. I also got a wicked UTI which was so unbearably uncomfortable on top of dealing with the pain from my c-section. So I have been walking around in a fog since we have come home from the hospital. Let's just say it has taken me a lot longer to find my "groove" this time around.


Luckily, I have had help. Some great friends have stopped by to bring dinner or just to help hold the baby for awhile. Dave had all day yesterday off so we went and saw Inception (GREAT MOVIE!) and then we went to Carrabba's for dinner. It was a nice little break and definitely needed. Plus I finally had a dream last night. I can't remember the last time I had a dream because I never am asleep long enough! Sleeping in 2 hour intervals sort of stinks. ha!


But what I am really trying to say is thank you for bearing with my while we really try to get used to this new normal. It has really been a major adjustment, but this blog means so much to me to keep up with our family and what our babies are doing. I will be back and posting regularly very, very soon!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A New Sense of Normal


Things are going good here. We are slowly adjusting to this new life with two babies. Rowan is a very good baby but he likes to be held A LOT. Which sort of makes it hard to get much done. When we aren't holding him we are doing our best to give Kensley the attention she needs.


Mostly we have just been loving this new sense of normal.


It feels just right.


Monday, July 12, 2010

First Doctor Visit

Today was Rowan's one week checkup. He is now weighing in at a solid 9lbs! Unfortunately she didn't measure his length or his head (probably because it wouldn't have changed much in one week). That means that Rowan has gained about 7 ounces since Thursday when we brought him home. He weighed 8lbs 9oz then. We definitely have an eater! Right now he is eating anywhere from 2-4 oz every 2-4 hours.

The nurse practitioner who saw him today said everything looks wonderful. Good strong heartbeat, his reflexes were great, his eyes and ears look good, he looks a little yellow but nothing to be too concerned with. While she was checking him he did decide to poop all over her and his blanket. Way to make a first impression!

Kensley watched her little brother like a hawk in the doctor's office. She got very upset when the nurse started to look him over and we had to remind her that she wasn't hurting him and that he was alright. She is very protective of him.

Sometime this week Kensley has learned the word "UP" and she demands it all day long now. Of course right now I can't pick her up so that has been hard. She doesn't understand why I can't hold her and I feel bad that now she can ask and I can't do it.

We also made our first trip to Target today as a family of four. I think it is so cute that every time we get in the car Dave announces that we are going out as a family of four now. It really is so neat to think that is what we are now. Things feel really complete (for now ;) and we couldn't be luckier!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Rowan Alexander


Born Monday July 5th @ 8:12 am

8lbs 13oz and 20 inches long

We are completely and totally in love!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!


Sadly, this is the only picture I got today of our sweet little girl. We headed to my parents to spend the day swimming and eating BBQ but it was miserably HOT. The outside thermometer was reading about 95. Ugh. So needless to say we had one unhappy girl on our hands. She was cranky and fussy most of the day and we left early to come home for an early bedtime. She is now tucked up in bed with her shoes on because she insisted ;)

Last night I drove like a maniac to get her to the fireworks near our house. I literally left the house as they were starting, but I wanted her to see them so badly. We managed to find a spot on the side of the road and pulled over and she got to see a good 10 minutes of them. She loved the finale. Oooohed and clapped and gave me kisses. It was totally worth it ;)

Hope you all are having a wonderful 4th! This tired mama is off to bed. The heat and this baby are really wearing me out!

Thursday, July 1, 2010