His birthday was Pirate themed. We had the cupcakes made and then I printed out the cupcake toppers and Dave sat and taped them all to toothpicks. Such a good Dad!
I thought for a long time about how to do the treat bags and came up with an idea for a treasure hunt. I made the maps without thinking about the actual park, but it would have been neat to have made the maps more accurate for the kids.
K and Ro trying to beat the heat in their cool shades!
We had each family bring a covered dish and we had sooo much food! It was all delicious! I found an idea on pinterest to cook the hot dogs in a crockpot and then bring them to the park. A much better option than sitting in front of a grill cooking them...especially in that heat!
The treasure map bags included a pirate patch and compass for the kids to put on and use while they looked for buried treasure!
Getting ready for the BIG GIFT reveal...
What could it be?
I think he likes it!
Overall the party was a success...even if we melted!