We got to the show and immediately dropped $10 on cotton candy and a princess crown. She refused to eat a hotdog or anything because she saw the cotton candy first and wanted that. When we headed to our seats we sat down and a guy was coming around with snow cones. He yelled, "Anyone like a snow cone?!" and Kensley shot her hand up. He stopped and looked at us and I had to say no. You should have seen her face. I told her we would get one in a little bit. That meant about 5 minutes later. Another $10 spent on a snow cone and princess cup. She then proceeded to spend more focus on that snow cone then the actual show.
At the beginning of the show, Mickey Mouse came out and she turned to me and said, "See mom! I TOLD you he'd be here!" I guess I should have researched a little bit about the show. I assumed since it was Disney Princesses on Ice that all of the princesses would be there. She kept asking when Cinderella was going to come out and I kept telling her I am sure she's coming out soon. She never did. She wasn't part of this show. My little Cinderella dress wearing girl was not happy. She asked me where she was. Why she didn't show up. She explained that she must have been throwing up. (K was sick last week so maybe that explains why she would think that?!) I guess the lesson learned is do your research mom before you tell your child a princess will be there.
Even without Cinderella being there, and even after dropping huge amounts of cash on junk food and princess gear, I would say it was 100% worth it. We got to spend the afternoon with our very own princess and she told us she loved it and wants to see the princesses again soon!
And look out Cinderella, when we come to Disney World...We are coming for you!