Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

So I'm officially 26. And officially old. I'm now over that hump and closer to 30 than I am to 20. It feels pretty good though. Like I have said before my life is in a good place. Plus I always love birthdays. Even if it means I'm getting more uncool by the minute. Hubby woke me up this morning singing "Happy Birthday" to his sexy wife haha. He made me cinnamon rolls and juice for breakfast in bed. We went to Outback last night for dinner, then he bought me a cooling pad for my laptop and we looked at ipods since I need a new one and an adaptor for my car. We walked down to babiesrus and looked around for a few, then to Borders to see if they had a baby book I wanted. (They didnt ). We rented Ocean's 13, bought some ice cream and then headed home to cuddle on the couch and enjoy the movie and ice cream.

Tonight I have a bunch of friends going out to Red Lobster with me, then coming back to our place to play games and just hang out. There wont be much wild and crazy fun since Im preggers, but Im still looking forward to it!

Here is my 30 week pic as well!

30 weeksS

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