I took K to Gymboree class the other day and within the first few minutes a little boy fell and was bleeding pretty badly. The mom couldnt stand the sight of all that blood and was really shaken up because her little boy was hurt (understandably!). I wasnt really trying to pay that much attention to everything going on and was just playing with Kensley when I saw the ambulance pull up. My first thought was, "Oh I need to call Dave". Dave works for that ambulance company and I was certain he had heard the call and was probably freaking out. Just then I saw him jump out of the ambulance and grab his chest and mouth "Oh Thank GOD You Are OK" He got the call! He didnt know if it was Kensley or me that had been hurt and had called my cell phone over and over trying to see if we were alright. My poor hubby. Thankfully, we were fine and the little boy was alright too. His bottom tooth cut his lip when he fell and he didnt need stitches. I am telling you, playing at Gymboree can be brutal!

Yesterday the weather was absolutely beautiful so after Kensley's nap we took her outside to play in the yard. Don't you just love her outfit? It was a gift from one of our best friends. I had almost bought it and then put it back and then they ended up getting it for K's birthday. They have good taste huh?!
Last night Great Grandma Audrey and Buddy watched Kensley for the first time while I was at work. I hear K was on her best behavior. I was told she didn't even put up a fight when they changed her diaper. I had to stop and think maybe they changed the wrong baby's diaper (or possibly Buddy's? ha!) because she NEVER lets us change her without putting up a fight. Like I said, she must have been on her best behavior for them ;) And I am glad she was.
Here are just a few pictures from yesterday as she played in the grass.
Wow your daughter is absolutely beautiful!!! I found you through Kelly's Korner!I just wanted to let you know about my blog giveaway to benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. This giveaway is for Paula Deen’s 10 piece cookware set. Check out my blog for more details about entry. Thanks for looking. Tiff