This post is coming a little later than I wanted it to be, but I am on the new
Mac computer trying desperately to figure out how to use it. It took me over an hour to figure out how to make the pictures small enough to upload onto here, then they were all sideways and now I cant seem to cut and paste anything. I am a few seconds away from chucking the
Mac out the window. Ugh. This is what I get for years of PC use. I am useless without a right-click button.

Did you all have a nice Memorial Day? We spent the afternoon at GG and Pop Pop's. Who are GG and Pop Pop you ask? They are K's great grandma and great grandpa on my dad's side. The weather was absolutely beautiful (not too hot with a beautiful cloudless sky) and even though we didn't even get to eat (the chicken was taking way too long to cook) and K was having a meltdown because we were going on 4:30 p.m. and she had yet to take a nap (she conked out 5 seconds down the road) we had a good time. And best of all I got some really good pictures of K in her red, white and blue dress Aunt Cathy and Uncle Larry gave her. She will probably wear this dress again for the 4th of July because it was such an adorable outfit and I cant stand to think she will only wear it once before outgrowing it.
I really do think that is a big difference between boys and girls. I cant imagine too many outfits that boys only wear once. But it seems like K has plenty of outfits that I have been lucky enough to just get her in and take a picture of before they are too small. Sigh. Maybe the next baby will be a girl and will inherit K's massive closet ;)
Anyway...On to the good stuff!

She was watching Spencer run up and down the sidewalk... I love the back of her head and how long her hair is getting! :)

I wish she was holding a flag in this picture instead of the flower, but I still love it.

Here she is with GG and Spencer. Look at poor Spencer's face. Ha!

Spencer goes everywhere that K goes. He is her little protector ;)

P.S. I made Dave go and get me a mouse with a right clicker so I could finish this post before the next millenia.
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