Saturday we took Kensley to Boo @ the Zoo. They get to go and see all the animals plus they have all the workers dressed up in costumes passing out candy along the way. She was definitely more into the animals this time, even more than when we went this summer which was just a few months ago. Plus she had a blast running around the zoo.
After that we headed to Quaker Steak to see Dave's family that was in town to see his Grandma. We all ate far too much food and then headed home.
Sunday was Date Day. Kensley went and hung out w/ Grandma Patti and Dave and I went to Panera bread for breakfast, went and saw Law Abiding Citizen (sooo good!), had lunch at Carrabba's and did some early Christmas shopping for Kensley. Why is it so hard to buy for little kids? I took Kensley to Target last week to see what she would play with because we had no clue what to buy for her. We ended up buying her this :
We also bought her some crayons to write in the tub and some decals that stick to the bathtub walls because she doesnt have many bath toys besides the ones she has had since she was little. I also got her a few long sleeves shirts, a cute pink cardigan, some penguin pajama's and a sweater dress. I am thinking of a few stocking stuffers and then she should be all done!
We also bought her a potty chair last night, she attemted to let her run around naked and she peed twice on the floor and didnt want to sit on the potty. So we will wait a little longer. But it is sitting in the living room so she gets used to it, maybe she will sit on it. We shall see ;)
When we picked K up at grandma's she was running all over. She had this little pretend orange juice carton and she would reach her hand in and pretend she was pulling out a treat and then put it in our mouths saying NUM NUM! haha It was too funny and I wish we could have gotten it on camera. I thought it was so cute that she was playing pretend. We left there and headed to the grocery store, picked up Taco Bell for dinner and headed home.
We watched Away We Go last night and can I tell you how much John Krasinski reminds me of Dave? They don't look a thing alike, but they act very much the same. Goofy and sweet. It was a good movie. I really liked it.
Well that was pretty much my weekend. It was non-stop and now I feel like I need a day to recover from all that running around. Don't you just hate that?! haha!
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