This weekend was a lot of fun. We ended up going to my uncle's Halloween party and it was so fun. He had it all decorated outside with pumpkins and witches and even a flying ghost that Kensley just loved. Everyone loved our costumes and I thought K looked adorable with her bone in her hair. We came home and watched The Office (hahaha BookFace!) and Flash Forward and then headed to bed.
My mom was a brick house
My uncle and my dad
Fred and Wilma
Pebbles was not impressed.
Sunday we got up and headed to Pat Catan's because they had Christmas trees on sale for 50% off. We got a cute 7ft tree for only $50. It wasn't a pre-light tree like I wanted but for the price we could buy lights for less than most trees cost and that way we could buy the energy efficient lights. We ended up putting it up last night just so we could see how many strings of lights we needed. Surprisingly Kensley hasn't even paid that much attention to the tree. She will sit by it when the lights are on but they haven't been on most of the day and it is like it is not even there. I am not sure when we will bust the rest of our Christmas stuff out but hopefully soon. I just love having the house decorated and smelling like cinnamon! YUM!
I have seriously watched the 5 little pumpkins video online 700 times today. Kensley likes to do the hand motions when they "roll out of sight" so she keeps putting my hand on the mouse and making me click to start the video over! haha. Now she is putting her coins in her piggy bank and having me dump them back out so she can put them in again. Repeat. Repeat. All.Day.Long! haha
Well I am off to the gym!