Looks like Santa thought one little girl and boy were especially good this year.
Christmas Day was spent just the way we pictured it. We cooked cinnamon rolls and as the aroma filled the house, we opened presents.
We stayed in our pajama's all day and we played with toys. Dave and I cooked our very first turkey. And it was the bomb if I do say so myself.
We watched "A Christmas Story" at least 5 times and we snuggled.
And later on we were visited by Dave's family for the last round of presents.
We were blessed to have Dave's Great Grandma stop by.
This was like her 90th Christmas, so you know she knows how to do it up right ;)
Tonight is New Year's Eve
Looking back over this past year it has been just like every year before this one. A lot of ups and downs and in-betweens.
We moved into our new place.
Punkie learned to swim.
First Hair Cut.
My baby turned 2.
We welcomed our little Bubba.
1 Month:
2 Months:
3 Months:
4 Months:
5 Months:
Actually, looking back...this year kicked every other years butt. This year rocked. Looking forward to 2011 and all the possibility it holds.
Have a safe and happy New Year!!!!