This year was a completely different story. Sadly, I didn't have my camera on me today because we rushed out of the house so quickly but take my word for it when I say she was like a fish to water. First she sat on the side of the pool and dipped her feet in. Then she wanted me or uncle Colton to hold her over the side so she could have her legs in. My arms were getting tired so I sat her back in the deck and she acted like she was going to jump in on her own! Daddy got in with her then and I didn't think we were ever going to get her out. She absolutely loved it. I think the swim lessons may have helped because she was wanting to do all the things we did in her classes. I am so excited to take her swimming all summer long! But boy are we going to have to watch her super closely this year. She is at that age of no fear and doesn't yet understand how dangerous things can be.
Saturday will be our 6 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been 6 years already. We have a movie and dinner night planned and of course we are both looking forward to that. We also both got Memorial Day off and are planning on spending the day at my parents grilling out, swimming and making s'mores! What are all of your Memorial Day plans?
I can't believe you haven't had a coke slurpee! You must make that part of your weekend plans!