I was sort of bummed on my birthday because Dave was working a 12 hour day and wouldn't be home till 8 that night. My girlfriend Jaime stopped by for a bit with a card and chocolates (THANK YOU JAIME!!!!) and that did cheer me up a little but I missed my man.
Around 6 I got a knock at my door and since I wasn't expecting anyone I had no clue who it was. I couldn't believe it when I opened my door and saw this...
In case you can't tell, that's my hubby behind those balloons!
Pretty sure I started crying when I saw him. I was so happy to see his face. He managed to get off a few hours early and surprise me. We ended up ordering a pizza, drinking sangria and having cupcakes. We tried to watch Inception again but it was late and we both were so tired we only made it about half-way through. But it was one of the best birthday surprises.
Looks like someone else really liked my balloon too. And after it all it was his HALF BIRTHDAY too!
How sweet! Happy be-lated Birthday to you!