In preparation for Kensley's second birthday we figured it was time to take her for he first haircut. The ends were looking sort of stringy and were all different lengths. We didn't think this was going to go over well because she won't let me brush her hair or put cute hair bows in it anymore, so needless to say- we were a bit worried.
And at first she did fuss and was a little skeptical of this lady coming at her with a comb and scissors.
But we found a big box of crayons and paper that kept her distracted.
And we even got some SMILES!
Oh and this adorable face where she really looks like her daddy.
So over all it was a lot easier than we were expecting. She did amazingly well and she looks as adorable as ever now. It made me sad to think that we just cut off hair that was on her head the day she was born, and now she is one step closer to growing up. I have a little bit that I kept for her memory box. And what a good memory this well be.
omg the 2nd picture she looks so concerned i love it haha shes so precious!