We spent the day at Gramma and Papa's. We sort of had a late start so we ate breakfast on the way.
Maybe the powdered donuts were another bad idea of mine...haha
And here is my little fish in the water. I am not lying when I tell you she was in that pool for HOURS. I did my best to get her out and in the shade for a moment here and there but she kept hopping right back in (with a family member of course ;)
She sat in that raft and floated around with daddy just as content as can be. What a life huh?!
Popsicles were the best and really only way to coax her out of the pool...
Here she is with gramma Kelly
I think she had a good time...
As much as I love summer, I have to admit that there is just something so fresh and new about seeing it through the eyes of your child. Maybe because this is the first year that K can really enjoy the weather and appreciate the days spent outside at the pool, playing in the sandbox and chasing the ball with uncle Colton. I don't blame her for loving it as much as she does. Dave and I were talking tonight on the way home about the fact that because she loves it so much it makes us love it all the more. She truly makes everything special and the already special days become even more so because of her and the new light she shines on it.
This summer is going to be such a good one. I can smell the burgers on the grill, that sweet smell of sunscreen and the great feeling of the warm sun and an icy cold drink. This summer also brings with it the start of a new life and boy what a life he is coming into. This summer couldn't get any better if it tried.