Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Evolution of Us.


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Picture 787





Picture 782






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Happy 4th Anniversary!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

Kensley is getting bigger and bigger each day. Just this weekend she held her own bottle when I was feeding her. There wasn't much in it, but by golly she gripped right on to it. Her hand eye coordination is incredible. She is absolutely amazed by her hands. She will lift it up in the air and stare at it forever! She is also trying really hard to sit up and loves when we hold her on our laps so that she is sitting and can look around. We are probably going to buy her a bumbo seat any day now and I am certain she is going to love it!






Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I havent had much time to post because Ive been too busy entertaining my baby, going for walks, cleaning etc. But I wanted to hope on here real quick. I had a great first Mother's Day. Dave (and Kensley) made me breakfast in bed (pancakes) and they made me a Mother's day card. Dave told me he put the crayons in Kensley's hand so she could "help out". Its a beautiful card because its handmade and he also wrote me a poem inside it. Its not Shakespeare, but the fact that he put so much time into melts my heart. Inside it says- WE LOVE YOU! WORLD'S BEST MOM! YAH, ITS MOTHER'S DAY!

To a great wife, To a great mom, this is the first, But won't be the last!

You've been great to me, You've been great to her, I know you will continue to be great!

We are both so lucky, Lucky that you are ours, Lucky that you are her mother, Lucky that you are my wife!

Thanks for everything baby! Enjoy your day!


Your Teddy Bear and Miss Piggy Pants

Can you get any sweeter than that? He also got me a beautiful "K" necklace from Tiffany's which I had been joking around about getting. They have beautiful cursive initial necklaces and I told him I wanted a "K" and then a "R" for our next baby (since no matter the sex their name will begin with R). I didnt think he would actually get it for me though. Plus, I can always give the necklace to Kensley when she gets older.

We spent the day with my mom and grandma's and visited my cousin and her 8 month old baby girl, River. I cant believe how big she has gotten just from the baby shower. I cant imagine Kensley being that big. Ugh. I want her little forever!

Again, Hope all of you ladies had a fabulous mother's day. Especially those celebrating for the first time! I know it was very special to me and I will always remember it. Also hoping that next year many of you will be celebrating your first, you all so deserve it and I know your dreams will come true.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy 2 months Kensley!

Dear Kensley,

Today you turn two months old! What can I say about this wonderful month in your life? Well, this month was all about smiles. You woke up one day and there they were! I love the fact that when I peek into your bassinet each morning you get an instant grin without me even having to say a word. And when I do start to say hello, you get this very cute permanent grin on your face. I hardly have a single picture of you smiling because I am constantly doing things to try to get you to smile, and frankly I never think or have the time to grab the camera. I did manage to capture it on video and let me just tell you, I think you re-invented the smile. You are amazing at it.

This month you also started cooing. You have wonderful conversations with your dad and me every morning when you wake up. We don’t understand a single thing you are trying to tell us, but I am sure its very important…like how you are sick of mommy making you watch hours of The Hills and Gossip Girl while daddy is at work. We have this little mirror in the car so that we can see you while we are driving and it happens to have a bright orange monkey around it. You sit and coo and squeal at that monkey every time you get in the car. I have been reading you lots of books during tummy time each day and I doubt you even hear a word I say because you are too busy trying to make more noise than me. I don’t mind one bit. Of course, one day I will be biting my words when you sit there and tell me to shut up or that you hate me for taking away your tickle me elmo but for right now these coos and squeals are music to my ears.


Your temper has really shown this month. You HATE when we stop mid-bottle to burp you. You literally freak out and even though it only takes about 20 seconds to get a burp out those ARE THE LONGEST 20 SECONDS EVER. I mentioned that when you wake up you are all smiles, but as the day goes on you get more and more agitated with life. You get more impatient with me as each hour passes and you give me less and less time to get you a bottle ready or put your pacifier back in your mouth. By 8 p.m. I have 3 nanoseconds to get you what you want when you want it or all hell breaks loose. But by 9 p.m. we can usually swaddle you and put you to bed and you become your nice, sweet self again and sleep for nearly 7-8 hours a night. And when you wake up its all smiles again and totally worth it. Yesterday, you were up for nearly 6 hours during the day with no nap and when your daddy came home and listened to you scream for 15 minutes he looked like he was going to cry right along with you, I had been listening to it for over 3 hours and didn’t know what to do. We fed you, gave you some gas drops and you slept for 3 hours and then took a massive crap in your pants and all was well with the world again.


This month we headed to the doctor for your one month visit even though you were over 5 weeks at the time. The doctor could not believe that you were already a month old, but was even more astonished by the fact that you weighed over 11 lbs. You nearly gained 4 lbs in a month. You were in the 97 percentile for your weight which basically means that you weigh more than 97% of babies your age. Your head is larger than 75% of babies your age and your average when it comes to your height. The doctor even joked with me about what we are feeding you. Truth be told I am so happy to have a baby that is thriving and happy and even though everyone I know jokes about what a big baby you are, I think you are absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t want you any other way.


Last Friday you turned 8 weeks old, and I had to head back to work. I cried all day long every time your dad mentioned the fact that I had to work that evening. I think if I would have worked a few hours I would have been alright, but I had to go to work for nearly 8 hours and I had only been away from you a total of 5 hours since you were born. The fact that you were with your dad while I was gone helped, but I cried the entire way to work and every time someone asked me about you I choked up and wanted to say, “I QUIT!” I made it through the night but my goodness I missed my little booger. The fact is, I have become accustomed to catering to your every need. I no longer do anything for myself and my days are now filled with what I can do for you. When I have to do something that doesn’t have to do with you, I feel like I have grown 3 heads and can’t function. You are my life and every second away from you breaks my heart. When I came home that night I laid in bed with my cell phone and put it right by your face and watched you sleep for nearly an hour while I sobbed and sobbed. I know it is going to be much harder on me than it is for you for me to be away, but I hope you know that not a second goes by that I don’t think about you and what you are doing.

This Sunday I will be celebrating my first Mother’s Day ever. I have been joking with your father about how I deserve a necklace from Tiffany’s because I carried you inside my body for 9 months, couldn’t eat for 2 months, suffered massive amounts of nausea and back pain only to have my abdomen cut open to pull you out when your fat head got stuck. But in all honesty, I don’t need a gift at all, because he helped bring you into the world and you are the greatest gift I have ever been given. This month has been so amazing. Watching you grow and develop new skills has been such a blessing. I love that when I wake up I get to kiss your chubby cheeks and spend all afternoon playing with you and hold you and rocking you to sleep. I love going on walks with you and reading books to you. I can not wait for this next month when I get to enjoy you even more and see all the new things you discover. Thank you so much for being my baby girl.

