Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sooner rather than later?

Edit (Part 2)* Baby is doing fine, just some mild contractions. Her heart rate is perfect and there is plenty of fluid around her to keep her happy. I'm only dialated 1cm and my cervix is nice and thick. The cause of all that pain? Yet another bladder infection. Story of my life... ;)

*Edit* I'm on my way to labor and delivery just to get checked out. Its probably nothing, but better safe than sorry. Ill keep you all posted :)

Last night we headed to our last birthing class, which ended up just being a refresher in baby care. Since we already took a baby care class, it was pretty boring. The hospital tour was nice, we got to see a few newborns in the nursery (since most babies stay with the mom at all times we didn't know if any would be in there). But by the time I got home I was starting to have lower back pain and I was cramping badly with it. I didn't feel like I was going into labor or anything, but I could tell something was up. We waited an hour after I laid down and when they didn't go away, we called the doctor. She was an absolute sweetheart and told me it sounds like the beginning of early labor. This could go away or gradually get more intense and when it gets to every 5 minutes for an hour head to the hospital. It hasn't gotten any more intense, I told the hubby it feels like I'm about to start my period at any moment. The cramping feels exactly the same. So maybe my body is starting to prepare itself for the big day. I have a doctors app tomorrow so we shall see what she says then. I'm really hoping they don't make me go on bed rest, I just asked my boss for more days at work! ;)

I know Ive probably been overdoing it the past few days, the whole shower I was on my feet unless I was opening gifts, and then we came home and put EVERYTHING away that night. I cleaned and worked monday, and then yesterday I cleaned and we walked all over the hospital. I think I need to take it a little easier, but I work tonight too. Ive heard that being on your feet helps with gravity and all that, but Id really like her to make it another 3 weeks. Like I said, Ill know more tomorrow after the doctors. And by the way, my husband is an absolute gift from God. He has been so amazing and expecially these past few days. I couldnt get through this without him.

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